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  • European red pine plate

European red pine plate

The raw material of the European red pine board is a wide range of tree species distributed between Great Britain and the Iberian Peninsula in the west, east to Eastern Siberia and the Caucasus Mountains, and between North Lapland.  In the north, its...

European red pine plate

The raw material of the European red pine board is a wide range of tree species distributed between Great Britain and the Iberian Peninsula in the west, east to Eastern Siberia and the Caucasus Mountains, and between North Lapland.  In the north, its growth height is from sea level to 1000 meters above sea level, and in the south it is represented by alpine plants (1200-2500 meters).  Wood color light brown to reddish brown for general construction work.  The dry density is 470 kg/m3 (varies depending on the growth), the opening is 60%, the fiber saturation point is 0.25 kg/kg, and the saturated water vapor is 1.60 kg/kg.

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