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Larch board

Russian larch is a deciduous conifer, mainly distributed in Russia and Central Asia, growing in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia, and also distributed in China. The height of the tree can reach 30m, the diameter of the flat diameter is 50cm, with ski...

Larch board

Russian larch is a deciduous conifer, mainly distributed in Russia and Central Asia, growing in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia, and also distributed in China. The height of the tree can reach 30m, the diameter of the flat diameter is 50cm, with skin tissue, aromatic taste, and axial resin groove is small. Sapwood is clearly distinguished, sapwood yellowish white with brown, heartwood yellowish brown to brown, tree rings are clearly demarcated, and wood shoots are light and fine. Larch has straight trunk end, few knots, obvious difference between heartwood and sapwood, tough material, slightly coarse structure, straight texture, high density, and strong rot resistance and mechanics of pine plants.

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