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  • Swedish Spruce Wood

Swedish Spruce Wood

Spruce wood - Swedish spruce wood
    The longest growing spruce tree on earth has been found in Sweden, with an estimated age of 10000 years. Previously, scientists thought that the world's oldest tree was a pine tree found in...

Swedish Spruce Wood

Spruce wood - Swedish spruce wood

    The longest growing spruce tree on earth has been found in Sweden, with an estimated age of 10000 years. Previously, scientists thought that the world's oldest tree was a pine tree found in the mountains of California, the United States, aged 4768.Scientists at UMo University in Sweden have found a tree called "the oldest in the world" in a mountain range in central Sweden. Although it looks very young and only has a height of about 4 meters, it is found that its root system has a history of at least 9500 years after the carbon-14 dating test, and it is still growing. This European spruce, also known as Norwegian spruce, was discovered by scientists during a tree census in fulufjallets National Park in Sweden in 2004. In fact, the relative age of the trunk is still relatively young, but the root system has a long history.

